Saturday, March 26, 2011

Snowflakes & Laughter - Calgary Engagement Photography

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of braving Calgary's weather with Peter and Randi - a beautiful couple engaged to be married this summer! During this session we had every kind of weather but sunshine - but we still managed to stay warm and have fun. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Baby Blue Jeans - Calgary Family Photography

This morning I took a trip down memory lane as I went to take pictures of a friend from high school with her beautiful little family. It's amazing how quickly time flies by and how times have really changed for us all. Congratulations Ryan and Becky, for your little blue eyed boy is definitely a little heart breaker! I hope you enjoy!

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Memory Project - Calgary Event Photography

On March 3, 2011, the Military Museums hosted an event for the Memory Project Speaker's Bureau - a project that connects veterans and Canadian Forces personnel with thousands of schools and community groups across the country. What a powerful way to give voice to the stories of so many of our country's bravest men and women.